Wings - level 3
Wings - level 3
Step 1
The first item that you need in order to create Wings level 3 is to get a Condor Feather. You can mix it in the Chaos Goblin using Regular combination.
Chaos Goblin NPC | Condor Feather combination recipe
* These items are optional and they will increase the success rate. Highest possible success rate: 75%
In case of success:
Condor Feather
In case of fail:
All the items that were put into combination will disappear.
Step 2
After you get the Condor Feather, you can proceed to the Wings combination. Mix the following items in the Chaos Machine using Regular combination:
Chaos Goblin NPC | Wings level 3 combination recipe
* These items are optional and they will increase the success rate. Highest possible success rate: 80%
In case of success:
Random Wings level 3 Wings
In case of fail:
All the items that were put into combination will disappear.