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Box of Kundun

Author: Administrator
Last review: 21-02-2025


Box of Kundun +1


Kriss, Short Sword, Rapier, Katana, Sword of Assassin, Small Axe, Hand Axe, Double Axe, Tomahawk, Mace, Morning Star, Flail, Spear, Dragon Lance, Double Poleaxe, Hallberd, Berdych, Short Bow, Bow, Elven Bow, Goldencross Bow, Skull Staff, Angelic Staff, Serpent Staff, Mystery Stick, Book of Samut, Small Shield, Horn Shield, Kite Shield, Elven Shield, Buckler

Set items:

Leather, Pad, Vine, Bronze, Silk, Violent Wind



Box of Kundun +2


Blade, Gladius, Falchion, Serpent Sword, Sword of Salamander, Light Saber, Elven Axe, Battle Axe, Nikea Axe, Larkan Axe, Great Hammer, Great Morning Star, Battle Scepter, Master Scepter, Sacred Gloves, Light Spear, Giant Trident, Serpent Spear, Great Scythe, Battle Bow, Tiger Bow, Arquebus, Light Crossbow, Serpent Crossbow, Thunder Staff, Gorgon Staff, Violent Wind Stick, Book of Neil, Dragon Slayer Shield, Skull Shield, Buckler, Spiked Shield, Tower Shield

Set items:

Scale, Brass, Sphinx, Wind, Spirit, Light Plate


Box of Kundun +3


Legendary Staff, Heliacal Sword, Double Blade, Lighting Sword, Giant Sword, Crescent Axe, Crystal Sword, Chaos Dragon Axe, Elemental Mace, Great Scepter, Bill of Balrog, Silver Bow, Chaos Nature Bow, Bluewing Crossbow, Aquagold Crossbow, Staff of Resurrection, Chaos Lighting Staff, Plate Shield, Large Round Shield, Serpent Shield, Bronze Shield, Legendary Shield

Set items:

Plate, Sacred, Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Adamantine, Red Wing, Storm


Box of Kundun +4


Sword of Destruction, Dark Breaker, Thunder Blade, Divine Sword of Archangel, Rune Blade, Holly Storm Claws, Lord Scepter, Divine Scepter of Archangel, Dragon Spear, Saint Crossbow, Celestial Bow, Divine Crossbow of Archangel, Great Reign Crossbow, Staff of Destruction, Dragon Soul Staff, Ancient Stick, Book of Lagle

Set items:

Grand Soul, Eclipse, Dark Phoenix, Black Dragon, Ashcrow, Iris, Dark Steel, Divine, Storm Hard, Valiant


Box of Kundun +5


Knight Blade, Dark Reign Blade, Great Lord Scepter, Shining Scepter, Arrow Viper Bow, Albatross Bow, Holly Storm Claws, Brovaa, Staff of Kundun, Platina Staff, Dragon Shield, Grand Soul Shield, Elemental Shield, Demonic Stick, Piercing Glove

Set items:

Dark Soul, Great Dragon, Red Spirit, Demonic, Glorious, Dark Master, Piercing, Hurricane

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