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Explore guides for quests, events, character progression, and game systems in Mu Destiny Zone.


Author: Master
Last review: 21-02-2025

A spirit that has been protecting the beautiful Nixies Lake, along with its sister Nixie. 
After losing Nixies Lake and Nixie at the same time due to Selupan brought powerful ice storm with Secromicon's Book of Magic, 
the spirit became an evil monster due to its sorrow and anger.



Location and Drop : 

In order to get in Nixie Lake Boss Zone you need to have "Nixie`s Spirit Fragment" that drop in all monsters on the map!
The Boss Zone enter statue coordinates are : 112,104.

Kill him and your reward will be "Destiny Box Gold" that will give you 400lvl classic & custom  socket set items !

Destiny Box Gold

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