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Explore guides for quests, events, character progression, and game systems in Mu Destiny Zone.


Author: Administrator
Last review: 21-02-2025

In this event, guilds compete to conquer different maps by interacting with special NPC called “Mu Allies General”.Be strategic and protect your guild while securing control over a location!



NPC Coordinates :

Devias – Coordinates: 223,083

Aida – Coordinates: 126,028

Karutan 1 – Coordinates: 95,116

Entry Requirements

You must be a Guild Master or a Guild Member to participate in this event.

Only guilds can take control of the map

How it Works

Find and click on the Mu Allies General NPC in any of the designated locations.

Wait 20 seconds to complete the conquest process.

If an enemy guild kills you before the conquest is completed, they can take over the map instead.

After a successful conquest, the location will be locked for 1 hour, preventing others from conquering it.

Be cautious! Other guild members may attack you during this time to take over the map.




Devias benefits : 

Experience Rate +4%

Excelent Drop Rate +4%

Item Drop Rate +5%

Set item rate +5%

Money amount rate +5%


Aida benefits :

Experience Rate +4%

Excelent Drop Rate +8%

Item Drop Rate +4%

Set item rate +6%

Money amount rate +5%


Karutan 1 benefits : 

Experience Rate +4%

Excelent Drop Rate +6%

Item Drop Rate +6%

Set item rate +7%

Money amount rate +5%

only in Karutan 1 Exclusive Gate for more info click HERE 

Tips for Success

  • Bring strong guild members to protect your conquest attempt.
  • Use buffs and healing to survive enemy attacks.
  • Choose your moment wisely—avoid high-traffic times when enemy guilds are active.

Good luck, and may your guild dominate the battlefield!



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