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Explore guides for quests, events, character progression, and game systems in Mu Destiny Zone.

Muun Pet Commands

Author: Administrator
Last review: 21-02-2025

Custom Muun Pets commands: 

/petpickclear - stop picking zen and jewels 

/petpick zen - auto collect zen around you 

/petpick jewels - auto collect jewels around you 

/petpick jewel of soul - auto collect jewel of soul only 

/petpick jewel of bless - auto collect jewel of bless only 

/petpick jewel of life - auto collect jewel of life only 

/petpick jewel of creation - auto collect jewel of creation only

This Commands are valid only for Muun Pets not for Mountable Pets !

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Guides Section by Mu Destiny Zone is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0