Options Update!More Information you can find on "News" section
Client UpdateBefore updating, shut down all clients!

Dear players!

We want to inform you that the server was updated on 27.01.2025. We have been diligently preparing this update to bring new content to the game and make your stay on the server more pleasant.


1. Devias Christmas Patch has been removed and Devias is back to normal.
2. Santa's Town is officially closed.
3. X-shop has been updated.
4. All SM's custom Staffs can be used by MGs.
5. 50 new Quests has been added to our Custom Quest System.
6. Power of Custom weapons has been increased.


We will continue improving and updating the game to provide fun and challenging gameplay. Soon, we will announce further updates, so stay tuned and don't forget to check our website and our Discord community.

Have a great and pleasant play,

Mu Destiny Zone